Mandu “The Silent Walls”

Going into history and changing our mistakes is every human's dream wish, but learning from history and improvising ourselves is not a piece of cake for anyone. History makes…

Shikari Devi 1 “Highest Top of Mandi”

We always loved to visit places about which we always listen from others. The eagerness always stays in our minds, and curiosity, whether we will be able to visit that…

Damsal Dam “To catch the sunrise”

It was a cold morning in Punjab when I and Ramesh Sharma, who was my colleague at International Tractors Limited of Hoshiarpur, were eager to capture and breathe in front…

Prashar Lake “Water over the Mountain”

The best dreams happen when you’re awake. As a resident of Hoshiarpur and a traveling enthusiast, I always tend to me inspire myself and my colleagues to travel to those…

Triund 2 “Finishing Touch with Trek”

Don't listen to what they say, go see The above lines are from a Chinese proverb that really matters for the life of corporate slaves like us. It signifies the…

Triund 1 “First Trek of Life”

When everything feels like an uphill struggle, Just think of the view from the top The above lines are true at some point when we corporate workers try to work…