Kasauli 2 “Christ Church”

God is omnipresent and omnipotent sovereign. His love is unconditional. To feel His presence, we don’t have to go anywhere. All we need to do is, feel and nap the things.

He created- the flowing of rivers, blooming of flowers, buzzing of bees, high hills, white snow, sparkling light of sun, and twinkling of stars, helping the needy and joining our hands for His prayers.

So my exploration, with my friend Harpreet Singh, in Kasauli was exquisite. We got a chance to visit Christ Church of Kasauli (Anglican Church) at a height of about 6,322 ft. above sea level. I had never visited the church before, so I was all the more aching to explore the tranquility of this God’s place.

After visiting sunset point and Gilbert Trail, it was time to move further to explore even more what interesting this place was still holding in it. The more we stepped inside the heart of this alpine region, the more we enjoyed the beauty of this small world.

In the middle of the mall road, there is a small Church, quite an old one, beautifully constructed, not just a building to appreciate but the safest place in the world, the one which draws our attention from the alluring face of the market to the old rusted walls.

This church is one of the oldest churches in North India and was built in the 18th century.

The most interesting part of it was that this was the first Church I witnessed where we have to take off our footwear before entering. Devotees were fascinated by this rule of the Church authorities.

The silence of this place of worship has luxuriated to the depth of our souls. Though we spent only a little time in the home of God, it was enough to feel the serenity of our minds out of the huge jumbled world of cacophony.

Soon I returned to my world, held up my gears, and started capturing the vicinity in my camera.

After visiting the Church, what I felt was, that there was a kind of satisfaction, contentment inside me, don’t know what, but I felt intact. This might be the blessings of Lord Jesus, his love, warmth, attachment, fondness, and intimacy which we humans search for everywhere but worship.

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