Garibnath Temple “Heavenly Beauty”

People say, after death, we have two ways, to hell and to heaven. Heaven sounds good as it facilitates all our requirements which can cause happiness to our souls.

A similar heavenly place I recently visited, Baba Garib Nath Temple. It is a temple in the middle of the valley and on the shore of Gobind Sagar lake.

The day started at my hostel where I live, away from my home due to my job location. In the morning, I was confused about how to spend my Sunday in the lap of natural beauty. I was hovering over the map of nearby places. Suddenly my roommate suggested visiting the “temple of Baba Garibnath”. He said that the place will certainly suit my taste for adventure. His words sound confident about that place so I packed up my gears and on my bike, I started my journey.

I marked the place on my GPS so that I might not get lost. From Hoshiarpur, I rode to Una, a small city in Himachal Pradesh. Then, from there, I traveled through high mountains on a road around 10′ wide, and the elevation was around 40 to 45 degrees. My bike, for about 3 hours, was running only on 1st gear. Sometimes I was riding up to the mountains and other times it was just slanting for kilometers.

When I was on top of the mountains, the scene was fantastic with green grasslands, and shades of clouds. The view made me feel on the way to heaven. Although the path was a bit dangerous for any biker as there were cliffs every time, once imbalanced, might lead me to real heaven.

On the crown of one of the hills, I saw a beautiful grassland with a lake with a greenish tint on it, I was just hoping to be at that place at that very moment.

Soon I saw a board saying “Temple of Baba Garib Nath this way”. So I followed it. Soon my happiness was on the 100th floor as the place I was wishing to be was the same place I was heading towards.

The place as I said made me feel like nirvana. A small temple with a huge statue of Lord Shiva and the calm lake behind it.

The best thing there was that there was no rush. That might make this place beautiful and even more calm and clean.

As very few people knew about it, so, till date this place is spreading its beauty to the visitors through its freshness and clean posture.

Firstly, I went to the temple to gain blessings of God as in our Indian Mythology, it is said that for every new task we are going to start, we should take blessings of God first so that in our whole work He will help us in every problematic situation, and as a registered resident of India, I cannot ignore this ritual.

Also, visiting the temple gives knowledge too, about the said temple and its origin. But nowadays, we have “Google” which can provide us with all the data without interacting with anyone. The entry of the temple was welcomed by two elephant statues, which gave a majestic view.

Then I saw a tree on which the history of Baba Garib Nath is written. According to it, Baba GaribNath was in deep meditation under this tree which is approximately 500 years old. Such a great personality. Nearby, was the statue of Baba Garib Nath.

There was a huge statue of Lord Shiva, in blue, which looked amazing, indicating real power inside, and giving blessings to the living beings of Earth.

After worship, I started the most interesting photo walk to the shore of the lake, the most awaited place. The clear water, clean from body and soul, can make anyone hypnotized with its serenity. The combination of grassland with the lake was praiseworthy.

Now I have no words to say the elegance of it, just want to show the images which I captured what I felt thereafter looking around. People with their families come for spending some quality time and memorable moments of their lives.

Walking on the grass was like walking on a velvet sheet. I was only worried that my memory card might not get full as I was unable to stop myself from clicking for one single moment.

Everywhere was a scenic view that was made to be captured. I can say that till now, whatever places I have posted as a blogger, this was the most romantic place I have ever visited.

Eyes were just staring to arrest everything all around like stealing the show. Water in the sunshine was glittering like diamonds on the floor.

The greenish tint was amazing and the ripples of water striking the shore and its sound were like a melodious tune. The background with hills covered with forest and them standing on grassland, with water between us. Sometimes I just thought of leaving everything and just living in this place, as I am totally carried away by the beauty of that place.

Today I am just hoping that if I had known how to swim I would have definitely jumped into that clear water. The clarity of water showed the underwater stones to some extent and was looking like priceless gems.

After riding a bike for so long time on the tough road, this place removed all my tiredness, like miles and miles away.

Till now, I can’t understand why people don’t know about this beautiful place. Everyone coming here will definitely tell his acquaintances about this place, which still is having very few visitors. This might be right also to maintain its beauty.

After getting a wonderful experience, it was time for me to pack up and return so that I could make myself ready for the next adventurous trip.

Hope people visit this place at least once in life but they would have to promise themselves not to change the beauty of this beautiful place by throwing garbage.

These are the places that please everyone’s eyes, if it becomes dirty then we cannot ever say to ourselves that our nature is beautiful because we might be the main reason to snatch its beauty.

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